Thumbnail of a renamed video does not get updated.Usage doesn't display the item name if the audio is added as part of Drag and Drop interaction.
The Hotspot image does not update on the stage you update the image from the library.The failure action in a Drag and Drop interaction failure action remains enabled on making the number of attempts as infinite.You are unable to create a Drag and Drop interaction from the Property Inspector once an interaction is deleted.A Drag and Drop interaction does not work correctly if the drag source and drop target are reversed from Property Inspector after creating the interaction.If there is a hyphen (-) or a space when naming a Drag and Drop interaction, the published project does not load.Renaming objects after creating a Drag and Drop interaction does not work as expected when a project is previewed.When a responsive project is published, closed captions do not display when you zoom in on the published output multiple times.When a project is published with the option Scalable HTML enabled, closed captions do not appear when the published content is viewed in Chrome.Tab order gets reset to the default sequence (Object1->Object2->Object3) when a new interactive object is inserted in a Captivate project.You can now specify a keyboard shortcut in Preferences > Quiz > Default Labels. A Question Slide Feedback keyboard shortcut does not work when JAWS is enabled.A Result Slide does not get read out in HTML5.The option shows up only on looking down. The runtime menu option does not show up as expected.When copying and pasting objects on a 360° slide, the z-order of the objects change in the timeline.